Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Reporting all those feminist thoughts

My mind is wandering to other side of the universe..im thinking about what others might tell about your profession as a feminist yeaah or at least working as a reporter who reports all those thoughts daily. well, im quite fond of it, yet as a matter of fact, im not that purely feminist. What i like about this office and the ambience surrounds me is a family-sense of working that u can feel which could moderate your anger and your hectic.
Being a reporter is not that easy, you mix all the thoughts and the fact on reality, objectively..well, d u know guys, that no such 100% objective things exist?! and you should stand for your writings responsibly as though your editor may attack your opinion or neglect your writings.
For me, it doesn't mean anything instead. I learn alot from Jurnal Perempuan Foundation, i've met many great women and men who could strain other parties and gain much popularities because their radical minds. All i wanna do is making some changes for this life..and live to the fullest..


nyxxx said...

go gadis!
the world needs those radical men and women to keep the balance,,

Unknown said...
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afra said...

Duh mbak Gadiss.....mudah2an jadi kaya Mbak Gadis ya nantinya.hehehhe... Iya nih dis..Udah saatnya ada kita berbuat sesuatu. Mempraktekan ilmu yang dapat di bangku kuliah. Mudah-mudahan kita bukan manusia yang melakukan sesuatu yang sebenarnya kita tahu itu salah. I believe that life and universe gives us many choices...there's always another way...